Shareef Jackson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Shareef Jackson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Shareef Jackson is Ice Cube’s youngest son. He has been making a name for himself in entertainment. Shareef was born on November 17, 1995 in the United States. He is 29 years old and is already making waves in the industry. As the son of a renowned rapper, Shareef has been exposed to the world of music and entertainment from a young age. His father was successful with NWA and as a solo artist. This success has surely influenced Shareef’s pursuits.

Shareef is 5 feet 9 inches tall and his weight is 78 kilograms. He has inherited his father’s good looks and talent. But he is more than just Ice Cube’s son, he has his own story to tell. In this blog post, we will look into Shareef Jackson’s net worth, age, height, and weight. We will also cover his family and his journey in entertainment. Keep reading to learn more about this rising star.

Who is Shareef Jackson?

Shareef Jackson is the youngest kid in his family. His dad is Ice Cube, who sings songs and is very famous. Shareef was born on a cold day, November 17, 1995. He’s grown up now and is 29 years old. Shareef has one big brother and two big sisters.

Their names are O’Shea, Darrell, and Kareema. They all like to spend time together and have fun. Shareef isn’t known because his dad is famous, but he’s also making his own path. He likes to do lots of things that other kids enjoy too.


Shareef Jackson
Date of Birth
November 17, 1995
29 years old as of 2024
United States.

Real Name

Shareef Jackson’s name sounds like a storybook character, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not any name; it’s his real name! When he was born, his mom and dad looked at him and decided, “Shareef Jackson” was the perfect name for him.

So, when you hear the name Shareef Jackson, remember, it’s not a nickname or a stage name. It’s his real name. like you have your own special name, Shareef does too, and it fits him right.

Early Life and Education

Shareef Jackson grew up with his family, who love music and movies a lot. As a little kid, Shareef went to school just like you! He learned how to read, write, and do math problems. Shareef also made many friends at school. He liked to draw pictures and play sports during recess.

Sometimes, he even brought his favourite books to class. He shared stories with his classmates. School was a place where Shareef learned new things every day. He had fun learning with his friends and teachers. He worked hard and was excited to learn more and more.

Parents and siblings.

Shareef Jackson has a cool family. His dad is Ice Cube, a famous music guy. His mom is Kimberly Woodruff, who loves him a lot. Shareef is the youngest, which means he has three older brothers and sisters. Their names are O’Shea, Darrell, and Kareema.

They are like a team, always there for each other. O’Shea even played their dad in a movie, which is super cool. Imagine your brother pretending to be your dad in a film! They share lots of fun times together, playing games and laughing. Shareef’s family is big, loving, and full of talent.


Shareef Jackson is a rising star in the complex entertainment industry. He has managed to keep his personal life private, especially his love life.

Many children of celebrities have this discretion. It lets them have a bit of normalcy and privacy. This is important because fame brings constant scrutiny. So, there’s limited information available about Shareef Jackson’s romantic relationships. He values his privacy. He also values the ability to build relationships away from the public eye. This approach speaks to Shareef’s desire to make his own identity. It is separate from his father’s towering legacy.

Shareef Jackson physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Shareef Jackson is a tall person, like a tree! He is 5 feet 9 inches tall, which is taller than many people. He weight is 78kg, which is right for his height. When you look at Shareef, you can tell he’s strong and healthy.

He might even remind you of your favorite superhero. He stands tall and looks ready to take on any challenge. Shareef shows us that being tall and strong is cool, and taking care of your body is important.

Shareef Jackson Before Fame

Before Shareef Jackson was known by many people, he was a little boy growing up with his family. He lived with his mom, dad, two big sisters, and one big brother. They all loved music and movies a lot. Shareef liked to play and learn like you.

He went to school, where he learned to read and write. Shareef also liked to draw pictures and play sports with his friends. He was a regular kid who had fun playing games and learning new things every day. Shareef’s life was full of love, laughter, and learning before he became famous.

Shareef Jackson Career

Shareef Jackson is still finding his way in the big world of work. He has seen his dad and brother do amazing things in music and movies. Shareef is thinking about what he loves to do and how he can make that his job. one day, he’ll make music like his dad or act in movies.

Or, he might find something completely different that he loves. Just like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up, Shareef is doing the same. It’s exciting to dream about the future and all the possibilities!

Shareef Jackson Net Worth

Shareef Jackson is like a treasure chest with his own special amount of gold. He has worked and saved up $2 million! Imagine all the toys and video games you could buy with that. But Shareef is smart. Instead of spending it all on games or candy, he keeps it safe.

This big number shows that Shareef is not only good at having fun but also at being wise with his money. It’s like he has a huge piggy bank that’s filled to the top!

Shareef Jackson Famous Reason

Shareef Jackson is known to many people because his dad is Ice Cube, a very famous rapper. But that’s not the only reason he’s famous. Shareef is also known because his big brother played their dad in a movie.

This made many people excited to learn more about Shareef and his family. He’s part of a family full of talented people who do cool things in music and movies. Shareef is making his own path, too. Even though he’s known because of his family, he’s also working hard to do great things by himself.

Shareef Jackson Nationality and religion.

Shareef Jackson is from a place called the United States, which means he is American. America is a big country with lots of people from different places. Like our friends from school, Shareef comes from a family in America. They, too, are different from ours.

About what he believes in, like if he goes to church or something else, Shareef keeps that private. People believe in many different things, and it’s special to everyone. So, Shareef, like all of us, has his own thoughts and feelings about these big questions.

Shareef Jackson Social Media

Shareef Jackson likes to share his life on the internet. People can see pictures and videos of him there. He uses social media, which is like a big online photo album where you can also write messages to friends. It’s where Shareef posts about the fun things he does. He plays games and spends time with his family. He also goes on adventures.

If you look at his social media, you can see what he’s up to and the cool places he visits. It’s like peeking into his world through a window. Just like how you might show your drawings to friends at school, Shareef shows his life online.

Shareef Jackson Legacy and Impact

Shareef Jackson is growing up with a special story because of his family. His dad and big brother did big things in music and movies. Shareef is like a young tree that’s starting to grow in a garden full of tall trees. Everyone is excited to see how tall and strong he will grow.

Act in movies? Or do something totally different? People are watching Shareef because they know he will do great things too, just like his family. It’s like when you plant a seed and watch it grow into a beautiful flower or a big tree.

Shareef Jackson Future Plains

Shareef Jackson is thinking about what adventures he wants to go on as he grows up. He’s seen his dad and brother do amazing things, and now it’s his turn to dream big. Maybe he’ll create music, act in movies, or find something totally new that he loves. He’s like a detective, looking for clues about what makes him happy and excited.

Shareef knows the future is like an open book with blank pages. He gets to fill them with his stories. Every day is a chance to discover something that could be part of his amazing journey ahead.


  • Shareef likes to play video games. He has many games he loves to play for fun.

  • He enjoys basketball. Sometimes he plays with his friends or family.

  • Shareef loves listening to music. It makes him happy and he dances too.

  • Drawing pictures is one of his hobbies. He draws cool stuff like animals and cars.

  • Shareef spends time watching movies. He has favorite movies he watches again and again.

  • He also likes to read books. Reading helps him learn new things.

  • Shareef enjoys spending time outside, especially at the park. He likes the fresh air and playing on the swings.

Interesting Facts About Shareef Jackson

  • Shareef Jackson’s dad is famous rapper Ice Cube.

  • He has three older brothers and sisters.

  • Shareef was born on November 17, 1995.

  • He is the youngest in his family.

  • His brother, O’Shea Jackson Jr., played their dad in a movie.

  • Shareef is pretty tall at 5 feet 9 inches.

  • He likes to do things that are fun, just like other kids.

  • Shareef’s family is very close and they all support each other.


What’s Shareef Jackson’s real name?

His real name is Shareef Jackson, just like we said before!

How old is Shareef?

He will be 29 years old in 2024.

Who is Shareef’s dad?

His dad is Ice Cube, a very famous music star.

Does Shareef have brothers and sisters?

Yes, he has three older brothers and sisters. Their names are O’Shea, Darrell, and Kareema.

How tall is Shareef?

He is 5 feet 9 inches tall. That’s taller than most people!

What does Shareef like to do for fun?

He loves playing video games and basketball. Shareef  also loves listening to music and drawing. He enjoys watching movies, reading books, and playing in the park.


In the end, we talked a lot about Shareef Jackson, who is known because his dad is the famous rapper, Ice Cube. Shareef loves playing games. He also enjoys hanging out with friends and family. He does fun stuff like drawing and reading. He’s the youngest kid in his family and has a big brother who acted as their dad in a movie.

Shareef is also pretty tall and enjoys playing basketball. He has a happy life and likes doing many things that kids and grown-ups enjoy. Shareef shows us that being part of a famous family is cool, but having fun and doing what you love is even cooler.



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