Ross Dickerson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Ross Dickerson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Ross Dickerson is a well-known bodybuilder and model who has taken the fitness world by storm. He has an impressive physique. He dedicates himself to health and fitness. It’s no surprise that he has gained a massive following on social media. Ross was born in England in 1989. He has been making waves since he first launched his YouTube channel in 2013. As of 2024, he is 35 years old. He has become one of the most successful and influential figures in the fitness world.

Ross has over 5 million Instagram followers. He has become a household name among fitness fans. Along with his impressive career, Ross also has a loving family. It includes his wife and fellow fitness model, Lillie Stokes, and their baby girl, Mary Grant. Ross is 6 feet 2 inches tall and his weight is 88kg. He has gained both physical and financial success. He is worth an estimated $4 million.

Who is Ross Dickerson?

Ross Dickerson is a strong man who shows people how to exercise and be healthy. He became famous by posting videos on the internet where he exercises and teaches others. Ross started sharing his workout tips in 2013 on a website called YouTube.

He works with companies that manufacture workout clothes and supplements. Supplements are special foods that help you exercise better. Ross likes to show off his muscles and how to get strong. He helps people learn how to take good care of their bodies by eating healthy foods and moving a lot. He’s a good example for people who want to be fit.


Real Name
Ross Dickerson
Date of Birth
35 years old as of 2024

Real Name

Ross Dickerson’s real name is that – Ross Dickerson! It’s the same name he uses when he’s showing people how to be strong and healthy on the internet. Sometimes, people might have a different name they use for certain jobs. But not Ross. He likes to keep it simple and uses his real name for everything.

You might watch him lift weights on YouTube. Or, you might look at his cool pictures on Instagram. But, he’s Ross Dickerson. He shows everyone how to be their best self.

Early Life and Education

Ross Dickerson grew up in England, where he loved playing outside and being active from a very young age. He always liked to run, jump, and play sports with his friends. When he went to school, Ross learned about many things. But, he especially enjoyed classes about how our bodies work and how to stay healthy. This is where he first got interested in becoming strong and helping others do the same.

Ross worked hard in school. He always tried to learn as much as he could. He knew that understanding how to care for his body was important. It’s key to his dream of helping people be fit and healthy.

Parents and siblings.

Ross grew up in a caring family in England. He’s always been close to his parents, who taught him about being kind and working hard. Ross isn’t an only child. He has siblings who he played with when he was little. It was like you might play with your siblings or friends.

They would run around in their backyard, inventing games and having fun. His family always cheered him on. They made him feel loved and supported in all he does, from school projects to bodybuilding. Ross’s family taught him to be strong, not only outside, but inside too.


Ross Dickerson married a lovely lady named Lillie Stokes. She is also someone who loves fitness, like Ross. They met because they both like to work out and stay healthy. They form a great team, supporting each other’s fitness goals. Online, they share their passion for staying active.

Ross Dickerson

They love to be in pictures and videos together, showing people how they can be fit and happy. Lillie isn’t Ross’s wife; she’s his best friend. They enjoy doing many fun things together. They especially like sharing their fitness journey with the world.


Ross Dickerson has a beautiful baby girl named Mary Grant. She is the apple of her daddy’s eye. Ross and his wife Lillie love Mary very much and enjoy spending time with her. They play games, go for walks, and share lots of hugs and giggles.

Mary brings lots of joy and laughter to their home. Ross hopes to teach her how to be strong and healthy, like him and Lillie. They want to show her all the fun things about staying active and eating right, so she grows up happy and healthy.

Ross Dickerson physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Ross Dickerson is very tall, like a giant, standing at 6 feet 2 inches. He weight is 88 kilograms.

Ross works out a lot, which makes his muscles big and strong. Imagine how superheroes look in cartoons, with muscles to lift heavy things and save the day. That’s kind of how Ross looks because he exercises and eats healthy food to keep his body in superhero shape!

The rise to fame on social media.

Ross Dickerson become popular on social media. He shared pictures and videos of him working out. Ross Dickerson also gave tips on how to be fit and healthy. He started by posting on Instagram. People liked seeing his fitness journey and learning from him.

Soon, lots of people began to follow him, and he’s got over 5 million friends on Instagram! He also makes videos for YouTube where he teaches exercises. People all over the world watch his videos and learn how to exercise better. He worked hard and shared his love for fitness, which made him famous on the internet.

Ross Dickerson Bodybuilding Career Highlights

Ross Dickerson has been in lots of bodybuilding contests, where he shows off his muscles. He works hard to make his muscles big and strong. Ross stands on a stage, and people watch as he flexes his muscles.

Judges look at how big and well-shaped his muscles are, then they decide who has the best muscles. Ross has won awards because his muscles are so impressive. He has also been on fitness magazine covers. Many people think he is great at bodybuilding. He feels proud when he wins, but he says the best part is just doing his best.

Ross Dickerson Net Worth and Financial Success

Ross Dickerson has saved up a lot of money from showing people how to be fit and from modeling clothes. Imagine if you had a giant piggy bank and kept filling it up for many years; that’s kind of what Ross has done! His net worth is estimated to $4 million.

Ross Dickerson

He works with companies that make workout clothes and special food that helps you be strong. They pay him. It’s like having enough money to buy a mountain of your favorite toys!

Ross Dickerson Famous Reason

Ross Dickerson became famous because he shares videos and pictures. In them, he is working out. He teaches people how to be healthy and strong on the internet. He started showing his fitness journey on Instagram and YouTube. Lots of people liked watching him and learning from him.

They thought his exercises and health tips were helpful. So, more and more people started to follow him. That’s how Ross became a well-known fitness friend to millions. They enjoy seeing his adventures and learning how to be fit like him!

Ross Dickerson Nationality and religion.

Ross Dickerson is from a place called England. It’s a country with lots of history and beautiful green lands. Imagine a land with big castles, knights, and stories of old. That’s where he was born and grew up. England is part of a group of countries known as the United Kingdom.

People in England can have different beliefs. They follow different religions, which are ways to understand the world and how to be good to one another. He, like many people, might have his own beliefs that guide him on how to live kindly and .

Ross Dickerson Legacy and Impact

Ross Dickerson has shown many people that being healthy and strong is cool. By sharing his workouts and healthy tips, he’s like a superhero teaching us how to save our health. Imagine if every time you did a jumping jack, you were helping someone else learn to jump too. That’s kind of what Ross does with fitness.

He’s making a big fitness family where everyone supports each other to be their best. Just like planting a seed grows a tree, Ross’s work is helping grow a forest of healthy, strong people. He’s making the world better, one muscle at a time!

Ross Dickerson Future Plains

Ross Dickerson has some exciting plans for the future! He wants to make more fun workout videos so even more people can learn how to be strong and healthy. Ross also dreams of creating his own brand of workout clothes.

He wants everyone to look cool while exercising. Also, he plans to teach his little girl, Mary Grant. He will teach her about staying active and eating healthy as she grows up. Ross is always thinking of new ways to help people feel good about themselves. He also wants to share his love for fitness with the world. It’s going to be an exciting adventure!


  • Ross Dickerson loves staying active even when he’s not working out. He enjoys exploring new places and going on adventures. This means he might go hiking in the mountains or walk by the beach with his dog.

  • He also likes playing with his dog. His dog is a big part of his life, and they spend a lot of fun times together.

  • Ross enjoys spending time with his family. He likes having picnics in the park or just hanging out at home with his wife and baby girl.

  • Drawing is another hobby of Ross. He finds it relaxing to draw pictures, especially after a long day.

  • Cooking healthy meals is important to Ross. He likes trying new recipes that are good for you and taste yummy.

  • Lastly, Ross loves reading books about adventure and heroes. He thinks it’s fun to learn about new stories and imagine being in them.

Interesting Facts About Ross Dickerson

  • Ross Dickerson was born on June 15, 1989. That means he’s got a birthday party every year in the summer!

  • He loves working out and teaching others how to be strong and healthy.

  • Ross has lots of tattoos. They are like special pictures on his skin.

  • He uses Instagram to share pictures and videos. Over 5 million people follow him there!

  • Ross has a dog. Dogs are fun and good friends.

  • He married Lillie Stokes, and they have a cute baby girl named Mary Grant.

  • Ross is tall – as tall as two and a bit seven-year-olds standing on each other’s shoulders!


What does Ross Dickerson do?

Ross is a bodybuilder and model. He shows people how to exercise on YouTube and Instagram.

How tall is Ross?

He is very tall! Imagine if you stacked two and a little more of your friends on top of each other.

Does Ross have any pets?

Yes, he has a dog that he loves very much.

Who is in Ross’s family?

Ross is married to Lillie, and they have a baby girl named Mary Grant.

How many people follow Ross on Instagram?

Over 5 million people like to see his photos and videos!

Does Ross like tattoos?

Yes, he has many tattoos on his body, like art on his skin.


In conclusion, Ross Dickerson is a big, strong man who loves to workout and help others get strong too. He has a happy family with his wife, Lillie, and a sweet baby girl, Mary Grant. Ross enjoys sharing his fitness journey on Instagram where lots of people follow him. He also likes fun with his dog. He likes drawing, cooking, and reading adventure stories.

Ross has shown us that being fit is important. But, so is spending time with family and doing things we love. Remember, staying active and eating well can make you strong like Ross!



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