Daniel Edgar Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Daniel Edgar Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Daniel Edgar is a famous American TV personality. He won over viewers with his appearance on the popular reality show Swamp People. Born on January 6, 1958, in Lidia, United States, Daniel is now 66 years old as of 2024. He comes from a long line of fishermen and is the owner of the renowned seafood company St. Mary. Daniel has a strong passion for fishing. He has passed down his skills to his sons.

He is considered the Creole Patriarch. Daniel’s first wife, Juanita, sadly passed away in 2018, and together they had two sons. He later married Mandy and had a daughter named Danielle, as well as a grandson named Dorien. Join us as we take a closer look at Daniel Edgar’s life, including his age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki in 2024.

Who is Daniel Edgar?

Daniel Edgar is a cool guy on TV who catches big fish and alligators! He’s been fishing since he was a little kid, just like when you play games. He’s been on a TV show called “Swamp People” since 2016. Imagine catching huge alligators and fish and showing them on TV! Daniel comes from a family that loves fishing a lot.

He also has a seafood company, which means he knows a lot about fish. Plus, Daniel has a special name. People call him the “Creole Patriarch.” He’s really good at teaching his family how to fish, just like his dad and granddad did.


Daniel Edgar
Date of Birth
January 6, 1958
66 years old as of 2024
Lidia, United States

Real Name

Daniel Edgar’s real name is just that, Daniel Edgar! When he was born, his parents looked at him and decided “Daniel Edgar” was the perfect name for their little boy. Just like you have a name that your family calls you, Daniel’s family calls him by his name too.

But when he’s out catching big fish and alligators on TV, everyone knows him as Daniel Edgar. It’s a strong name for a man who spends his days out in the swamp, sharing adventures with the whole world. So, remember, whether he’s on TV or at home, he’s always Daniel Edgar.

Early Life and Education

Daniel Edgar grew up in a place called Lidia, which is in the United States. Imagine living close to lots of water and boats! Even when Daniel was a little kid, just like you, he loved to go fishing. He didn’t just fish for fun; he learned a lot about it from his family. They were all expert fishermen!

Daniel went to school like other kids. But, he also had a special school outside with nature. He learned from the rivers and swamps. His family taught him how to catch fish and alligators, making him super good at it even before he was grown up.

Parents and siblings.

Daniel Edgar grew up in a family that loved fishing. He learned how to fish from his dad and granddad, who were also amazing fishermen. Daniel’s mom must have been really proud to see them all fishing together.

Daniel’s siblings, if he has them, share his passion for fishing. Imagine them all on a boat. They’re casting their fishing lines into the water. They’re waiting to catch something big. That’s how Daniel learned to be such a great fisherman and why he loves teaching his own kids to fish too.


Daniel Edgar was married to a lady named Juanita initially. They shared many happy days together until she passed away in 2018. They had two brave sons who probably love fishing just like their dad. After Juanita, Daniel found love again with Mandy, and they were happy for a while.

Together, they had a wonderful daughter named Danielle, who must be very special to Daniel. Life brought Daniel happy and sad times, like in stories. But, having a family by his side made everything a bit brighter.


Daniel Edgar has three kids who mean the world to him. Joey and Dwaine are his two sons. They probably love fishing as much as their dad because they learned from the best! Then, there’s Danielle, his daughter, who brings a smile to his face every day.

They all share fun times together, maybe going on fishing trips or just hanging out. Plus, Daniel is a granddad to a little boy named Dorien, who might just be learning to fish, too. It’s like having a big, happy team where everyone loves the water and fish!

Daniel Edgar physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Daniel Edgar stands tall like a basketball player at 6 feet 2 inches! And his weight is 88kg. Daniel is strong from fishing and swamp adventures. This strength helps him catch big fish and alligators. Imagine him like a superhero.

But, instead of flying, his superpower is being great at fishing. His height helps him see far across the water, and his strength makes him great at his job. He’s just like a giant from a fairy tale, but in real life!

Daniel Edgar Before Fame

Before Daniel Edgar became famous on TV, he was just a boy who loved the water and fishing. Imagine spending every day by the river, learning how to catch fish from your dad and granddad. That was Daniel’s life! He wasn’t catching big alligators yet or running his own seafood company.

Instead, he was learning everything about fishing, nature, and boats. These adventures helped him become the expert he is today. Think of it like when you learn to ride a bike. You start with training wheels. Then, one day, you’re zooming around without any help. That’s how Daniel started his journey to fame.

Daniel Edgar Career

Daniel Edgar became a star when he started appearing on “Swamp People.” It’s a TV show where he and others catch giant alligators! This show lets everyone see how good he is at fishing and trapping, something he’s done since he was very young.

Daniel is also a boss at his own seafood company, where he makes sure people get the best fish to eat. Plus, he owns a company that sells bait, helping other fishermen catch their big fish too. His work is like a big adventure, showing us how cool and exciting the swamp can be!

Daniel Edgar Net Worth

Imagine you have a big treasure chest filled with gold coins. That’s like net worth. It’s how much treasure someone has after paying off any pirates and buying all their ships and gear. Daniel Edgar has estimated net worth is $2 million.

That’s a lot of money. He got it by being great at fishing and catching big alligators on his TV show. He also got it from running his seafood company and selling bait for other fishermen. It’s like he’s been on a big adventure, finding treasure in the swamps and seas, and now he has a big chest to show for it.

Daniel Edgar Famous Reason

Daniel Edgar became super famous because of a cool TV show called “Swamp People.” On the show, he and other people go into the swamp and catch really big alligators!

It’s like a big adventure every time they go out. People love watching Daniel because he knows a lot about fishing and alligators. He teaches everyone watching how to be brave and smart in the swamp. That’s why so many people know his name now!

Daniel Edgar Nationality and religion.

Daniel Edgar was born in a place called Lidia, which is in a country named the United States. That makes him American! like how some of us are from the city or the countryside, Daniel is from a place with lots of swamps and nature.

Daniel is proud of his Creole heritage. It is a special mix of cultures, including French, African, Spanish, and Native American!

Daniel Edgar Legacy and Impact

Daniel Edgar is like a hero in the world of fishing and TV. He’s shown many people, just like you, how exciting and important nature and fishing are. Because of him, more folks now love and respect the swamps and the animals living there.

Daniel has taught his kids and even viewers at home how to fish and care for the environment. This is true even when we’re all grown up. That’s a pretty cool thing to be remembered for, isn’t it?

Daniel Edgar Future Plains

Daniel Edgar has big plans for the future! He wants to keep fishing and catching alligators. He will share his adventures on TV for everyone to see. Daniel also plans to teach even more people, especially kids, how to fish and enjoy the great outdoors.

Plus, Daniel hopes to spend lots of time with his family, having fun and going on fishing trips together. He’s always looking for new ways to explore nature and share his love for the swamp with the world.


  • Daniel loves to catch fish. It’s something he has done since he was a little boy.

  • He enjoys hanging out with his sons, daughter, and grandson.

  • Daniel likes to be outside, looking at plants and animals.

  • He loves to drive boats in the water. It’s fun and exciting for him.

  • Daniel knows how to cook yummy fish dishes. He uses his own seafood to make them.

  • He likes to watch animals in their natural home. It makes him happy.

  • g: Daniel enjoys showing others how to fish and enjoy nature.

Interesting Facts About Daniel Edgar

  • Daniel Edgar is on a show called “Swamp People” where he catches big fish and alligators.

  • He started fishing when he was really young, just like you might play games or sports.

  • Daniel’s family has been fishing for a long time, like his grandpa and great-grandpa before him.

  • He has a cool nickname, the “Creole Patriarch,” because of his family background.

  • Besides fishing, Daniel also sells fish and bait through his own companies.

  • He has three kids, and one of his sons, Joey, helps him on the TV show.

  • Daniel loves sharing his fishing skills with his family, keeping their traditions alive.


What does Daniel Edgar do?

Daniel catches big fish and alligators on a TV show called “Swamp People.”

How old is Daniel Edgar?

As of 2024, he is 66 years old.

How tall is Daniel Edgar?

He is really tall, like six feet two inches!

Who are Daniel’s family members?

Daniel has two sons, Joey and Dwaine, a daughter named Danielle, and a grandson named Dorien.

What are Daniel’s favorite things to do?

He loves fishing. Daniel also enjoys hanging out with his family, exploring outside, and driving boats. He likes cooking fish, watching animals, and teaching fishing.

Does Daniel have any pets?

It’s not mentioned, but he sure likes animals!

Why is Daniel called the “Creole Patriarch”?

Because he comes from a Creole family and teaches his kids about fishing like his family taught him.


Daniel Edgar is a very interesting person who has done a lot of cool things. He catches big fish and alligators on a TV show called “Swawn People.” He also teaches his family how to fish and loves being outside. Daniel has made a job out of something he loves, showing us it’s important to follow our passions.

Remember, like Daniel, doing what you love can make you happy and successful. He teaches us to enjoy nature, spend time with family, and never stop learning new things. Let’s all be inspired by Daniel’s adventures and maybe try fishing or exploring nature too!



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