Britain Dalton Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Britain Dalton Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Britain Dalton has already made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Born in Los Angeles, California, United States, on December 12, 2001, Britain is of Caucasian ethnicity and practices Christianity. He comes from a loving family, with his parents being Grammy-nominated songwriter Jeremy Dalton and Carolee Dalton.

Britain also has a brother and two sisters, who have been supportive of his acting career. Her height is 5 feet 8 inches and weight 75kg, Britain has an estimated net worth of $1 million as of 2024. 

Who is Britain Dalton?

Britain Dalton is a young actor from a big city called Los Angeles. He’s known for being really good at acting even though he’s just a kid. Britain’s family, including his mom, dad, brother, and sisters, are very important to him. They all support him a lot.

He started acting after someone saw him doing magic tricks. Britain is not just an actor; he also loves doing fun things like playing with his siblings, watching movies, and reading books. He goes to school like other kids his age when he’s not acting in movies.


Real Name
Britain Dalton
Date of Birth
12 December 2001
22 Years Old as of 2024
Currently Live In
Los Angeles, California
Actor, Rapper, Voice Actor, Performer, and Influencer

Real Name

Britain Dalton’s real name is actually Britain Dalton! Yep, the name he uses when he’s acting in movies and shows is his real name too. Some actors pick different names when they become actors, but Britain decided to stick with the name his mom and dad gave him.


It’s pretty cool because it means whenever you hear about Britain Dalton in movies, you know it’s really him. His name is as unique and special as he is.

Early Life and Family Background

Britain Dalton grew up in a place called Los Angeles, which is a big city with lots of people and fun things to do. He was born into a family that loves music and acting. His dad makes music that many people enjoy, and his mom, along with his brother and sisters, always supported him in everything he did.

From a young age, Britain found joy in performing, especially showing magic tricks to anyone who would watch. His family was always there, cheering him on and making sure he had fun while following his dreams of acting.

Parents and Siblings

Britain has a fun family who loves music and acting just like him. His dad, Jeremy Dalton, creates cool songs that lots of people enjoy. Britain’s mom, Carolee Dalton, and his brother Blakeland, along with his two sisters, Benet and Brianna, are his big cheer team.

They always encourage him to follow his dreams and be happy. Whether they’re playing games or just hanging out, Britain and his family have a great time together. They’re a team, supporting each other in everything they do.


Right now, Britain Dalton is focusing on his acting career and enjoying time with his family and friends. He’s still very young, and there’s plenty of time for dating when he’s older. Britain likes to keep his personal life private, which means he doesn’t share everything about who he might like.

Britain Dalton

Just like any other kid, he has lots of interests and hobbies that keep him busy. It’s important to remember that having fun and following your dreams is a big part of growing up, just like Britain is doing.

Britain Dalton Physical Attributes – Height and Weight

Britain Dalton stands pretty tall, especially if you imagine stacking up a bunch of pizza boxes; he would be as tall as 5 feet 8 inches of those boxes. Her  is weight 75kg.

That’s like carrying around a few big backpacks full of books! So, when Britain walks into a room, you’d notice how tall he is and might think he could be good at basketball or reaching things up high on shelves.

Britain Dalton Before Fame

Before Britain became a famous actor, he was a regular kid who loved magic. He lived in a big city with his family. They all loved music and acting, just like Britain does now. One day, while doing card tricks for people walking by, a film student saw him.

This moment was the start of something big for Britain. He wasn’t in movies yet, but his love for performing was about to open a door to acting. Britain’s journey began with a simple deck of cards and a big dream in his heart.

Britain Dalton The Spark of His Acting Career

Britain’s big moment came when he was showing magic tricks on the street. A film student saw him and thought, “Wow, this kid could be a star in my movie!” They asked him to try out for a role in a movie they were making.

Britain said yes, went to the audition, and showed them how good he could be. They liked him so much that they gave him the part! This was how Britain moved from doing cool card tricks for fun to acting in movies. It was a big change that started his journey as an actor.

Britain Dalton Net Worth

Britain Dalton is doing really well for someone so young. People often wonder how much money actors make. For Britain, who has been in movies and shows, he has saved up a good amount. As of 2024, it’s like he has a big piggy bank with $1 million in it!


Britain Dalton

Imagine having a million dollars; you could buy a lot of toys, games, and maybe even a huge playground. But for Britain, it shows he’s worked hard in acting and has done a great job. It’s not just about the money; it’s about doing what you love and being good at it.

Britain Dalton Nationality And Religion

Britain Dalton comes from a place called the United States, which means he is American. This is a country where people from all different parts of the world live together. Being American means he can be friends with kids from everywhere!

Britain also believes in Christianity, a faith that teaches kindness and loving others. Just like many kids, Britain learns from his family about being nice to people and helping friends. So, even though he is from a big city and follows a certain religion, Britain is a lot like kids everywhere who love to play and learn new things.

Britain Dalton Social Media

Britain Dalton likes to share bits of his life on social media. This means he uses apps on the internet to post pictures and talk about what he’s doing. Sometimes, he shares fun moments from acting or cool things he’s doing with his family.

But, he also makes sure to keep some things private, just for him and his family. If you look up his name online, you might find his posts. It’s a way for him to say hello to fans and share a little magic from his day, just like his card tricks.

Britain Dalton Legacy and Impact

Even though Britain Dalton is still young, he’s starting to make a big splash in the world of acting. Imagine throwing a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples spread out—that’s kind of like what Britain is doing, but with movies and shows. By being in films, he’s showing other kids that if you have a dream and work hard, you can make it come true, no matter how young you are.

Kids and even adults watch what he does and think, “If Britain can do it, maybe I can too!” It’s really inspiring to see someone so young do something so big. Britain is like a superhero in real life, showing everyone that being kind, working hard, and following your dreams is super cool. Plus, by being himself and sharing his talents with the world, he’s making it a happier and more magical place, just like the magic tricks he loves to do.

Britain Dalton Future Projects

Britain Dalton is always busy with new adventures in acting. Even though he’s young, he has lots of exciting plans for the future. He’s going to be in more movies and shows that will make you smile, laugh, and maybe even learn something new. Britain loves to tell stories through his acting, and he can’t wait to share more of them with you.

He’s always looking for fun roles that let him be a hero, a friend, or someone who goes on big adventures. Keep your eyes open for Britain’s next big movie or show – you won’t want to miss it! Imagine all the cool characters he’ll play and the amazing places he’ll pretend to visit. It’s like a magic trick that turns into a movie, and Britain is the magician!


Doing Magic Tricks: Britain loves to surprise his friends and family with cool card tricks. This is how a movie person first saw him and thought he could be in films!

Hanging Out With Family: He has a big family with a brother and two sisters. They have lots of fun together, like playing games and going to the park.

Watching Movies: Since he’s an actor, Britain enjoys watching lots of movies. It helps him learn new acting tips and just have fun.

Playing Video Games: Like many kids, Britain enjoys playing video games during his free time. It’s a fun way to relax and take a break.

Exploring Nature: He loves being outdoors, exploring the beauty of nature. Whether it’s a walk in the park or a hike in the mountains, Britain finds it exciting.

Reading Books: Britain loves to read all kinds of books. Reading helps him learn new things and enjoy great stories.

These hobbies keep Britain busy and happy when he’s not acting or going to school.

Interesting Facts About Britain Dalton

Born in a Big City: Britain was born in Los Angeles, a very big and busy city in California.

His Dad Writes Songs: His father, Jeremy Dalton, writes songs that many people like to listen to.

Has a Big Family: He has one brother and two sisters. They all have fun together.

Started with Card Tricks: Before acting, Britain liked to show magic card tricks to people.

Got Noticed on the Street: A film student saw him doing his card tricks and thought he would be good in movies.

Loves Movies: He enjoys watching movies, which helps him learn how to act better.

Likes to Be Outside: Britain enjoys going outside, maybe to the park or on a hike, to see nature and have fun.

Reading Fan: He loves reading books. Books take him on adventures even when he’s sitting at home.


Do you have questions about Britain Dalton? Here are some answers!

What does Britain Dalton do?

He is an actor. That means he plays roles in movies and shows.

How did he start acting?

He was doing magic tricks on the street, and someone making a movie thought he was perfect for a role.

Does Britain have any brothers or sisters?

Yes! He has a brother and two sisters. They have lots of fun together.

What are some things Britain likes to do?

He loves doing magic tricks, watching movies, playing video games, reading, and spending time outdoors.

Is Britain in school?

Yes, when he’s not acting, he goes to school just like other kids.

Where was Britain born?

He was born in Los Angeles, California. Remember, Britain Dalton is just like any other kid, but he also acts in movies. Isn’t that cool?


So, we learned a lot about Britain Dalton! He’s not just an actor; he’s also a brother and a son who loves spending time with his family and doing fun things like magic tricks, playing video games, reading, and exploring outdoors. Britain started acting in a unique way, by performing card tricks, which shows us that sometimes hobbies can lead to exciting opportunities. Even though he’s been in movies and shows,

Britain still goes to school and enjoys normal kid stuff. Remember, no matter what special talents we have, we all have something unique to share with the world, just like Britain does.



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