Kailani Kai Biography, Height, Weight, Age, Movies, Husband, Family Net Worth 2024.

Kailani Kai Biography, Height, Weight, Age, Movies, Husband, Family Net Worth 2024.

Kailani Kai, also known by her stage name Kada Love, has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry as a talented and beloved actress. Born on September 10, 1970, she is currently 53 years old and stands at an impressive height of 168 cm.

With a strong presence and a dedicated fan base, Kailani has gained success and wealth throughout her career. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at her biography, including her height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 75k, age, movies, husband, family, and net worth estimated to be between $1 million to $5 million as of 2024.

Who is Kailani Kai ?

Kailani Kai is a famous actress who acts in movies and shows on TV. She has lots of people who like watching her because she is very good at acting. Kailani was born a long time ago, in 1970, which makes her 53 years old now. She is not too tall and not too short, just the right height for acting in many different kinds of roles.

People like her because she works very hard and is nice. She has also been in the acting world for a long time, so she knows a lot about making movies and shows that people enjoy.


User Name
Kailani Kai
Adult Actress, p*rn Star
Height (Inches)
5 ft. 6 in (168 cm)
Weight (Kilogram)
Figure Measurement
Chest: 38 inches
Waist: 32 inches
Hips: 46 inches
Eyes Color
Hair Color
Date of Birth
10th September, 1970
53 years
Zodiac Sign

Real Name

Kailani Kai is the name she is famous for, but it is not the name she was born with. Her real name, given to her when she was a tiny baby, is a secret she keeps close. Just like superheroes have their real names and then their superhero names, Kailani has her own special name for acting.

It’s like having a magical name that everyone knows you by when you are in movies or on TV. But when she is not acting, she has her own personal name that her family and friends call her.

Early Life and Education

Kailani Kai grew up in a place full of love and laughter. As a little girl, she loved to play pretend, acting out stories and dreaming of being a star. School was a place where Kailani worked hard, always curious, asking lots of questions, and learning many things. She loved reading books, especially stories about adventures and magical worlds.

Kailani was not just smart; she was creative too, loving art and music classes where she could express herself. Her teachers and friends always knew she was going to do something special because she shined bright like a star in everything she did.

Kailani Kai Parents and Siblings

Kailani Kai keeps her family life a bit of a mystery. Just like in a storybook, some details are her secret garden. What we do know is she comes from a loving family who supported her dreams. Imagine a family like yours, cheering you on at a school play; that’s how her family was for her.

She might have brothers, sisters, or both, playing and dreaming together, creating their own little adventures. Every superhero or movie star has a family behind them, and Kailani’s family is her special team, always there, even when the camera stops rolling.

Kailani Kai Husband and Boyfriend

Kailani Kai is very private about her love life, so we don’t know if she has a husband or a boyfriend. Just like how some people keep their favorite toys a secret, Kailani keeps her heart matters to herself. It’s important to respect people’s secrets, so we understand and support her choice.

Remember, just like in fairy tales, not every princess or hero talks about who they might love or like; it’s their little secret, and that’s okay. What matters most is how they make the world a better place with their actions and the stories they share with us.

Kailani Kai Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Kailani Kai is 53 years old, which means she has celebrated her birthday 53 times! She is as tall as a little more than two big yardsticks stacked on top of each other.

Kailani weighs just the right amount for her height at 5 feet 6 inches an weight 75kg but we like to think about how strong and healthy someone is, not just a number. She has a big smile that lights up the room and eyes that sparkle like stars in the night sky. Her hair is like a beautiful curtain that frames her face, and she always looks ready for an adventure.

Kailani Kai Before fame

Before Kailani Kai became a big movie star, she was just like any other kid. She loved to play, make believe, and dream big dreams. Kailani would often act out her favorite stories, pretending to be heroes and adventurers from her books.

Even though she wasn’t famous yet, her imagination was already taking her to exciting places. She spent lots of time practicing her acting in front of family and friends, getting ready for the day she’d shine on the big screen. Back then, she didn’t have fans or movies, but she had something just as important: a dream and the courage to chase it.

Kailani Kai Career

Kailani Kai became a star by acting in lots of movies and TV shows. She started small, like when you first learn to ride a bike with training wheels. But soon, she became really good at acting, like riding a bike without any help!

People all over started to know her because she was in so many stories on the big screen and in their living rooms. She worked very hard, like studying for a big test, and it paid off. Now, Kailani is known as a great actress, and lots of people love to see her perform.

Kailani Kai Social Media Presence

Kailani Kai likes to share pieces of her life with fans online. She uses websites where people can post pictures and words, like a digital scrapbook. Imagine drawing a picture or writing a story and then showing it to the whole world with the click of a button! That’s what she does.

She posts photos and stories from her adventures, both from her movie life and her everyday fun. It’s like she invites us into her world, showing us the beautiful places she visits and the funny moments she enjoys. It’s a way for her to say “hello” and share smiles with people everywhere.

Kailani Kai Net Worth and Achievements

Kailani Kai has worked really hard and has become a famous actress because of it. She has acted in lots of movies and TV shows, which is like getting gold stars on your homework. Because she is so good at what she does, she has made a lot of money, kind of like saving up a treasure chest full of gold and jewels.

People think her treasure chest is filled with between $1 million and $5 million! Besides money, she has also earned a lot of love from people who enjoy watching her. This love is her biggest achievement because it shows she has made many people happy.

Kailani Kai Nationality and Religion

Kailani Kai comes from a place with its own special stories and traditions, which is how we know about her nationality. It’s like how we all come from different places that have their own ways of celebrating and living. As for her religion, it’s something very personal, like a secret garden where she finds peace and joy.

Religion is like having a favorite storybook that fills your heart with happiness and lessons. Everyone has their own book, and Kailani has hers, making her heart just as unique and special as she is.

Kailani Kai Future Plan and Goals

Kailani Kai dreams big for the future! She wants to act in even more movies and tell stories that make people smile and think. Just like when you build taller and taller towers with your blocks, Kailani aims to reach higher in her acting career.

She also hopes to help others, maybe by teaching acting to kids who dream of being stars, too. Imagine if you could learn to act from your favorite actress! That’s a dream Kailani wants to make come true. Plus, she plans to travel to new places, discovering adventures that she can share with everyone.


  • Kailani Kai loves to paint beautiful pictures.
  • She uses lots of colors to make her art look like the stories in her head.
  • She enjoys going on long walks, exploring new places just like a treasure hunter.
  • Reading books is another fun thing she does.
  • She dives into magical tales where dragons fly and mermaids swim.
  • Kailani also likes to sing and dance.
  • Sometimes, she pretends she’s in a musical, where everything is happy and full of music.
  • Cooking yummy treats is a hobby too.
  • She experiments with recipes to create delicious surprises for her friends and family.

Favorite Things

  • Kailani Kai has favorite colors, just like you might! She loves the color blue because it reminds her of the sky and the ocean on a sunny day.
  • She enjoys eating ice cream, especially chocolate flavor, which she thinks is the best treat on a hot day or anytime she wants something sweet.
  • Her favorite animal is a dolphin. She loves how playful and smart they are, swimming in the sea.
  • When it comes to movies, she likes funny cartoons that make her laugh and feel happy.
  • Kailani also has a favorite book, “Alice in Wonderland,” because it’s full of adventures and magical places.
  • She loves to listen to music that makes her want to dance, especially songs with a fun beat.
  • Playing board games with her friends and family is something she really enjoys. It’s fun to see who wins and to spend time together.
  • Lastly, Kailani’s favorite hobby is painting. She loves using bright colors to paint pictures of the beach, flowers, and sometimes even dolphins, her favorite animal.

Interesting Facts About

  • Kailani Kai can speak more than one language. Imagine talking to your friends in a secret code only you know. That’s how cool it is!
  • She once met a famous movie star, just like bumping into a superhero at the grocery store.
  • Kailani loves to dress up for Halloween, turning into characters from her favorite stories.
  • She has a secret recipe for the world’s best chocolate cake, so yummy it could win a prize!
  • Kailani can do magic tricks that make things disappear and reappear, like a real-life wizard.
  • She has a big collection of shiny rocks and crystals, each one with its own special story.
  • Once, Kailani helped rescue a lost puppy, bringing it back home, just like a hero in one of her movies.
  • She loves to make her own jewelry, threading beads and shiny things together to wear and share with friends.


What is Kailani Kai’s favorite color?

Kailani Kai loves the color blue a lot! She thinks it’s as pretty as the sky and the ocean when the sun is shining bright.

How tall is Kailani Kai?

Kailani Kai is as tall as a little more than two big yardsticks put on top of each other. That means she stands at 168 cm tall!

Does Kailani Kai have any pets?

While the blog doesn’t say if Kailani has pets of her own, she loves animals and even helped rescue a lost puppy once!

What kind of movies does Kailani Kai act in?

Kailani Kai acts in many movies and TV shows that lots of people enjoy watching. She’s a star in making stories come to life on the big screen and in living rooms.

What does Kailani Kai like to do for fun?

For fun, Kailani Kai loves painting with lots of colors, going on treasure hunt-like walks, reading magical stories, singing, dancing, and making yummy treats in the kitchen!

Can Kailani Kai speak more than one language?

Yes, she can! Kailani Kai can speak in more than one language, which is pretty cool, like having a secret code with friends.

What is Kailani Kai’s dream for the future?

Kailani Kai dreams of acting in even more movies, helping others by teaching acting, and traveling to discover new adventures to share with everyone.


As we come to the end of our adventure learning about Kailani Kai, it’s clear that she is more than just a movie star. She is a dreamer, a creator, and a hero in her own story. Kailani shows us that with imagination and hard work, we can all be stars in our ways. Whether she’s painting colorful pictures, exploring new places, or bringing joy to others through her acting, Kailani Kai fills the world with magic and smiles.

Her journey teaches us to chase our dreams, be kind, and always keep a secret recipe for chocolate cake handy! Remember, like Kailani, you have your own special magic to share with the world. So dream big, laugh lots, and never stop exploring. Who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll inspire someone just like Kailani Kai inspires us. And that, my friends, is the most magical adventure of all.



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