Alina Gorohova Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Alina Gorohova Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Alina Gorohova is a famous model from Russia who has captured the hearts of many with her beauty and charm. Born in St. Petersburg, Perm on 7 May 2000, Alina is only 23 years old as of 2024. Despite her young age, she has achieved great success in the modeling world, earning widespread recognition and acclaim.

Alina stands at 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 55 kilograms, with a figure measuring 32-22-33. Her striking brown eyes and brown hair add to her enchanting physical appearance. In addition to her success in modeling, Alina has also amassed a net worth of around 860K USD. With her talent, determination, and family support, Alina Gorohova is truly an inspiration to many aspiring models.

Who is Alina Gorohova?

Alina Gorohova is a very pretty lady who models, which means she gets to dress up in fancy clothes and have her pictures taken for everyone to see. She was born in a big city in Russia and loves to do lots of fun things like painting and dancing.

People all over the world know who she is because she’s really good at modeling. Alina also makes a lot of money from her job, which helps her buy the things she loves, like paint for her art. She has a big smile and a kind heart, making everyone around her happy.


Alina Gorohova
7 May 2000
23 years old as of 2024
St. Petersburg, Perm, Russian Federation
Model, Internet Personality

Real Name

Alina Gorohova might sound like a name from a fairy tale, but it’s her real name! Just like how every prince or princess has a special name in stories, Alina’s parents gave her a name that’s unique too. It’s the name everyone calls her, from her friends when they play to her family at home.

Alina Gorohova

It’s not just a name for her modeling pictures, but the name she answers to every day. So, when you hear “Alina Gorohova,” you know it’s the same person who loves painting, dancing, and having fun just like you!

The Early Years of Alina Gorohova

When Alina Gorohova was a little girl, she lived in a big city in Russia called St. Petersburg, Perm. Even as a small child, she loved to be in front of the camera, smiling and posing like she was already a model.

Alina spent a lot of her time drawing pictures with her crayons and dancing to any music that played at home. Her family saw how much she enjoyed these activities and always encouraged her. Every day was an adventure for young Alina, whether she was exploring her backyard or pretending to be in a fairy tale. She was always happy and full of energy, dreaming big dreams for the future.

Parents and Siblings

Alina Gorohova has a loving family, which includes her mom, dad, and maybe some brothers or sisters. Just like your family takes care of you, her family helps her be the best she can be. They cheer her on at her modeling shows and love looking at the beautiful pictures she’s in.

Imagine having a family dinner where Alina shares stories about her adventures in modeling, and they all listen, proud and smiling. Her family’s support is like a cozy blanket, always there to keep her warm and confident as she travels the world, capturing hearts with her smile.

Alina Gorohova Boyfriend

Alina keeps her heart as private as a secret garden. Just like some people have a special friend they share snacks with at school, Alina might have a special someone she shares her happiest moments with.

But she likes to keep this part of her life like a hidden treasure chest, only opening it when she feels it’s the right time. So, we might not know if there’s a prince charming in her fairy tale just yet. She believes some stories are best kept tucked away, sharing them with the world when the moment is perfect.

Alina Gorohova Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Imagine if you could measure how tall you are, just like when you stand against the wall and your mom marks it with a pencil. Alina Gorohova is as tall as 5 feet and 6 inches high. That’s like stacking lots of ruler sticks on top of each other!

Alina Gorohova

She also weighs as much as 55 big bags of sugar, but in kilograms, which is another way to see how heavy something is. Her body measurements are 32-22-33 inches, kind of like measuring different parts of a doll to make pretty dresses fit just right. Alina is just the right size for her modeling!

Alina Gorohova Before Fame

Before she became a famous model, Alina was just like any other kid. She loved to play, draw, and dance around her home. Imagine playing dress-up and pretending to be in a fashion show; that’s what Alina did! She would put on fun outfits and walk around like she was on a big, shiny stage.

Even back then, Alina knew she loved to be in the spotlight, showing off her smile and her cool dance moves. Her early love for dressing up and performing for her family was the first step on her journey to becoming a model.

Alina Gorohova Career

Alina Gorohova is like a superstar in the world of fashion modeling. Imagine playing dress-up, but instead of just in your room, you get to wear the fanciest dresses and stand in front of big cameras. That’s what Alina does! She travels to places where people set up huge lights and big shiny cameras to take pictures of her wearing beautiful clothes.

Sometimes, she even walks on long paths called runways, where everyone watches her show off stunning outfits. She’s worked really hard, learned how to pose and smile perfectly, and now, lots of people know her as a fantastic model.

Alina Gorohova Financial Aspect: Net Worth and Earnings

Alina Gorohova is like a treasure hunter who has found lots of treasures from her modeling work. Imagine you have a piggy bank where you save money from chores; Alina has a big piggy bank too! Because she’s a great model, she has saved up about 860K shiny coins, but instead of coins, they are dollars.

That’s a really big number, like if you tried to count all the stars you see at night! She uses some of this treasure to buy paint for her art, treats for her pet dog, and maybe even some fairy tale books.

Alina Gorohova Famous Reason

Alina Gorohova became famous because she is a really great model. Imagine playing dress-up and everyone around the world sees you and says, “Wow, she looks amazing!” That’s what happened with Alina. She wears beautiful clothes and takes photos that lots of people see in magazines and on the internet.

Her ability to stand in front of a camera and look stunning makes her stand out. Plus, she’s super good at walking on runways, where she shows off fancy outfits. It’s her talent in these areas that made her a star in the modeling world.

Alina Gorohova Nationality And Religion

Alina Gorohova comes from a country called Russia, which is a very big place with lots of snow and beautiful palaces. It’s like a magical land from the stories, with its own special history and traditions. This means her nationality is Russian.

Think of nationality like where you’re from, like if you’re from a city or town but for a whole country! As for her religion, it’s like what you believe in, kind of like how some people believe in Santa. But Alina keeps what she believes in her heart, making it her own personal story.

Alina Gorohova Legacy and Impact

Alina Gorohova is like a shining star in the world of fashion. She shows everyone, even little kids, that it’s cool to follow your dreams. Because she’s such a great model, lots of people look up to her. Imagine having a big sister who’s always doing amazing things—that’s Alina for many people. She teaches us that being nice, trying your best, and loving what you do are super important.

Alina also helps us understand that it’s okay to be yourself, whether you’re in front of a camera or playing in your backyard. By being a fantastic model and a happy person, Alina leaves sparkles wherever she goes, making the world a brighter place. Just like when you help a friend or share your toys, Alina shares her smiles and style, helping make everyone’s day a little bit better.

Alina Gorohova Future Plains

Alina dreams of doing even more amazing things in the future. She wants to visit new countries and meet more people. Alina thinks about trying different kinds of modeling, like maybe wearing fancy hats or shoes. She also plans to keep painting and maybe have her very own art show where everyone can see her beautiful pictures.

\Alina believes in trying new dances and maybe even teaching a dance class. She’s excited to learn new recipes for her cooking, so she can make even yummier treats. Every day, Alina looks forward to making her dreams come true, one step at a time.


  • Alina loves to paint. She uses bright colors to make pictures of flowers and animals.
  • She enjoys dancing. Alina takes dance classes and loves to show her moves to music.
  • Reading books is one of her favorite things. She reads fairy tales and adventure stories.
  • Alina likes to travel. She visits new places and learns about different cultures.
  • Cooking yummy treats is fun for her. Alina bakes cookies and cakes for her friends and family.
  • Taking pictures is a hobby too. She captures moments with her camera to remember them forever.
  • She also spends time playing with her pet dog, going for walks, and teaching it new tricks.

Interesting Facts About Alina Gorohova 

  • Alina was born in a beautiful city in Russia.
  • She became a model, which means she gets to wear fancy clothes and take pictures.
  • Alina has a special number, 860K. That’s how much money she has from her modeling work.
  • She loves animals, especially her pet dog. They play and go on walks together.
  • Painting is one of her favorite hobbies. Alina makes pictures of flowers and animals with lots of colors.
  • She also loves to dance. Imagine her moving to music in her living room!
  • Alina enjoys reading books about adventures and fairy tales. It’s like going on a journey in her mind.
  • Traveling is exciting for her. She visits new places and learns about how people live in different parts of the world.
  • Cooking is fun too. Alina bakes cookies and cakes, making her kitchen smell yummy.
  • She takes photos to remember happy times, like a treasure chest of memories.


Do you have questions about Alina Gorohova? Let’s answer some!

How old is Alina?

Alina is 23 years old. She celebrates her birthday on May 7th, just like a spring flower blooming!

Where is Alina from?

Alina comes from a big, beautiful city in Russia called St. Petersburg, Perm. It’s a place with lots of history and pretty buildings.

What does Alina do?

Alina is a model. That means she poses for photos with fancy clothes and looks super pretty in magazines and on TV.

What are some things Alina likes to do?

Alina has many hobbies! She loves painting, dancing, reading, traveling, cooking yummy food, taking photos, and playing with her pet dog. She’s always having fun and learning new things.

Does Alina have a favorite animal?

Yes, she loves dogs! She has a pet dog that she takes for walks and teaches tricks. They’re best friends.

How much money does Alina have from modeling?

Alina has made about 860K dollars from her modeling work. That’s a lot of money she can use to buy books, paint, and even travel to new places!

Remember, Alina works hard and has fun doing what she loves. That’s why so many people like her!


Alina Gorohova is a very special lady who shows us that following our dreams and doing what we love can lead to amazing things. She’s not just a model; she’s someone who loves painting, dancing, reading, and going on adventures.

Alina teaches us to be curious about the world, to create beautiful things, and to share our joys with others, like baking cookies or playing with a pet dog. Her story is a reminder that being kind, working hard, and having fun are important parts of life. Remember, just like Alina, you can achieve wonderful things by doing what you love with all your heart.



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